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Welcome to Pottery Girl Ceramics!  My name is Denise. I am the mother of a teenager, a full-time Kindergarten Teacher and part time potter.  

I have never considered myself artistic or even crafty but had wanted to try pottery for years. In the summer of 2019, I took a one-off wheel class, and it was love at first throw!  The process of manipulating clay was both cathartic and peaceful. What began as one class has become a practice. Working with clay is a true test of patience and surrender. While creating pieces on the wheel is my favorite method, over time I have learned to appreciate the different techniques. The manipulation and mastery of shaping clay is one aspect of the art form, and the kiln adds another layer to each piece I create. Whatever the method, working with clay brings me great joy. I never anticipated where my pottery would lead me.  I began to share more and more of my work on Instagram and the response was positive. By the fall of 2021 I felt confident enough in the pieces I was producing to launch Pottery Girl Ceramics.


As a part time gig, I both prioritize and squeeze in studio time whenever I can. I am inspired to create simple, beautiful, and functional pieces that will accentuate any living space or environment.  I have been delighted by my customers' reactions to my work. For this I am so grateful! 

Thank you for visiting! 

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